

Please find below a sum­ma­ry of the ser­vices we are able to pro­vide. We will be hap­py to work with you to find the per­fect solu­tion for your needs.

Spe­cial­ist translations
(see “Lan­guages and spe­cial fields”).

Cer­ti­fied translations
Legal­ly recog­nised and offi­cial translations.
The trans­la­tion is cer­ti­fied by a sworn trans­la­tor who has been offi­cial­ly accred­it­ed or autho­rised by a court.
We have sworn and court-cer­ti­fied trans­la­tors and inter­preters for Eng­lish, French, Span­ish, Cata­lan, Por­tuguese, Ital­ian, Roman­ian, Pol­ish, Russ­ian, Turk­ish, Geor­gian, Bul­gar­i­an, Czech, Dutch, Dan­ish, Swedish, Nor­we­gian, Finnish, Chi­nese, Japan­ese, Thai, etc.

As well as trans­la­tion of actu­al lan­guage, cul­tur­al and coun­try-depen­dent ele­ments are adapt­ed so as to be appro­pri­ate to the tar­get group of the localised text.

Inter­pret­ing service
We work in close con­junc­tion with a net­work of pro­fes­sion­al con­fer­ence inter­preters to pro­vide high­ly qual­i­fied teams work­ing in all major Euro­pean lan­guages for you and your event. We will be hap­py to advise you as to which type of inter­pret­ing is most suit­able for your event.

Types of intre­pret­ing services

Simul­ta­ne­ous interpreter
Simul­ta­ne­ous inter­pret­ing takes place in trans­la­tion booths whilst the audi­ence lis­tens in using wire­less head­sets. Because simul­ta­ne­ous inter­pret­ing is an extreme­ly men­tal­ly demand­ing task which requires many years of expe­ri­ence, out­stand­ing pow­ers of con­cen­tra­tion and the abil­i­ty to per­form syn­chro­nous actions, two inter­preters are always need­ed. These inter­preters swap over every 15 to 20 min­utes in accor­dance with offi­cial stan­dards and pro­vide a simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion of the speaker’s words. 

Whis­per­ing interpreter
The inter­preter either whis­pers at the same time to a max­i­mum audi­ence of three per­sons, who lis­ten to the trans­la­tion with­out using a head­set, or else reports what has been said via a non-sound proof whis­per­ing booth, in which case the lis­ten­ers wear head­sets. This type of inter­pret­ing is only suit­able for very small events.

Con­sec­u­tive interpreter
Speech or con­ver­sa­tion ele­ments are trans­lat­ed into anoth­er lan­guage in a time-delayed man­ner. The inter­preter oper­ates using a lectern or micro­phone and pro­vides a trans­la­tion after the speak­er has spo­ken. This type of inter­pret­ing is suit­able for events such as after-din­ner speech­es and short address­es. It can be expect­ed to be very time consuming.
Liai­son inter­preter – short sec­tions of speech (such as ques­tions and answers) are trans­lat­ed into the tar­get lan­guage depend­ing on type of deploy­ment. This type of inter­pret­ing is suit­able for busi­ness nego­ti­a­tions or con­tract agree­ments which involve round-table discussions.

Con­fer­ence technology
Good inter­pret­ing equip­ment, i.e. high qual­i­ty tech­ni­cal facil­i­ties, is essen­tial at events where inter­pret­ing ser­vices are to be pro­vid­ed to a large audience.