Certified translations in Bielefeld. Bielefeld-Sworn Translation

Cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions in Biele­feld. Biele­feld-Sworn Translation

TRADUSET offers gen­er­al, spe­cialised trans­la­tions and cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions.

Includ­ed in our range of spe­cialised trans­la­tions are legal, med­ical and tech­ni­cal trans­la­tions. Our trans­la­tors work only into their native lan­guage (Eng­lish, French, Span­ish, etc.), to guar­an­tee you the best pos­si­ble quality.

Do you need a sworn trans­la­tion of your doc­u­ment to sup­port an immi­gra­tion, legal or aca­d­e­m­ic appli­ca­tion in Ger­many, or at a Ger­man Embassy?

Cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions by sworn trans­la­tors accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 17100

A sworn trans­la­tion is dif­fer­ent from a nor­mal trans­la­tion inso­far as it is signed and sealed by a sworn trans­la­tor and is there­fore regard­ed as hav­ing offi­cial and for­mal sta­tus by the author­i­ties. Sworn trans­la­tions pro­vid­ed by us are accept­ed by the Standesamt (Civ­il Reg­istry Office), Aus­län­der­be­hörde (For­eign Reg­is­tra­tion Office) and oth­er Ger­man insti­tu­tions, such as uni­ver­si­ties, local author­i­ties and courts.

We trans­late and cer­ti­fy all offi­cial doc­u­ments in Ger­many for organ­i­sa­tions and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als, includ­ing: aca­d­e­m­ic tran­scripts, mar­riage cer­tifi­cates, wed­ding cer­tifi­cates, birth cer­tifi­cates, degree cer­tifi­cates, police clear­ance cer­tifi­cates, divorce decrees, dri­ving licences, pass­ports, etc.

Trans­la­tion offer
Please email us a (good qual­i­ty) scan of the document(s). We respond to all queries with­in one day, usu­al­ly with­in 24 hours. We will be hap­py to pro­vide you with an offer free of charge and with­out oblig­a­tion. We under­take to main­tain strict con­fi­den­tial­i­ty with regard to all enquiries and to the con­tent of all trans­la­tions. Spe­cial reduced rates apply to char­i­ta­ble organ­i­sa­tions and students.

Cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions /Beglaubigte Über­set­zun­gen in Bielefeld

Biele­feld is a city in the Ost­west­falen-Lippe Region in the north-east of North Rhine-West­phalia, Ger­many. With a pop­u­la­tion of 341,755,[3] it is also the most pop­u­lous city in the admin­is­tra­tive region (Regierungs­bezirk) of Det­mold and the 18th largest city in Ger­many. The his­tor­i­cal cen­tre of the city is sit­u­at­ed north of the Teu­to­burg For­est line of hills, but mod­ern Biele­feld also incor­po­rates bor­oughs on the oppo­site side and on the hills. The city is sit­u­at­ed on the Her­mannsweg, a hik­ing trail which runs for 156 km along the length of the Teu­to­burg Forest.
Biele­feld is home to a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of inter­na­tion­al­ly oper­at­ing com­pa­nies, includ­ing Dr. Oetk­er, Gilde­meis­ter and Schü­co. It has a uni­ver­si­ty and sev­er­al tech­ni­cal col­leges (Fach­hochschulen).

Sworn trans­la­tors in: Aachen, Augs­burg, Ber­gisch Glad­bach, Berlin, Biele­feld, Bochum, Bonn, Bot­trop, Braun­schweig, Bre­men, Bre­mer­haven , Chem­nitz, Cot­tbus, Darm­stadt, Dort­mund, Dres­den, Duis­burg, Düs­sel­dorf, Erfurt, Erlan­gen, Essen, Frank­furt am Main, Freiburg im Breis­gau, Fürth, Gelsenkirchen, Göt­tin­gen, Hagen, Halle (Saale), Ham­burg, Hamm, Han­nover, Hei­del­berg, Heil­bronn, Herne, Hildesheim, Ingol­stadt, Jena, Karl­sruhe, Kas­sel, Kiel, Koblenz, Köln, Krefeld, Leipzig, Lev­erkusen, Lübeck, Lud­wigshafen am Rhein, Magde­burg, Mainz, Mannheim, Moers, Mönchenglad­bach , Mül­heim an der Ruhr, München, Mün­ster, Neuss, Nürn­berg, Ober­hausen, Offen­bach am Main, Old­en­burg, Osnabrück, Pader­born, Pforzheim, Pots­dam, Reck­ling­hausen, Regens­burg, Rem­scheid, Reut­lin­gen, Ros­tock, Saar­brück­en, Salzgit­ter, Siegen, Solin­gen, Stuttgart, Tri­er, Ulm, Wies­baden, Wolfs­burg, Wup­per­tal, Würzburg usw.